Definition: A table or array of URL's for locations on the World-Wide Web, especially if arranged hierarchically or otherwise so as to facilitate finding desired listings. A browser's table of "bookmarks" or "favorites" is one form of arachnotaxis.
Derivation: I invented this word in an e-mail exchange of August 31, 1998, in response to a second-hand inquiry from George Towner, on the "Silent Tristero" discussion group, who was working on a programming book. "Arachne," the name of the legendary weaver who was turned into a spider, was also used as the word for a spider's web (another form was arachnion). "Taxis" describes an orderly or systematic arrangement of items or terms, especially by classification. (An English derivative is taxonomy.)
I much later discovered that Andrew J. Butrica of NASA had already coined the word "arachniography" for the same concept. You can see the explanations of both words at Personally I had rejected the "-graphy" suffix as being related to the physical act of engraving in stone. Like much of language, it's a matter of taste.